author | Tom Bouillut |
changelog | 0.0.3 fix sql declaration 0.0.1 initial package |
contributor | mose |
description | Map Editor mod intend to add Postgis layer /table creation to add point / line / polygon to tikiwiki used with mapserver (tiki or ka-map or cartoweb ) GIS Framework |
devurl | |
files | tiki-mapeditor_maps.php tiki-mapeditor_edit.php tiki-mapeditor_layers.php tiki-mapeditor_edit_layer.php tiki-mapeditor_edit_layergroup.php lib/map/editorlib.php lib/tree/layer_list-tree.php templates/tiki-mapeditor_edit_layer.tpl templates/tiki-mapeditor_edit.tpl templates/tiki-mapeditor_layers.tpl templates/tiki-mapeditor_maps.tpl templates/tiki-mapeditor_layer.tpl |
lastmodif | 2007-07-15 16:22:42 |
licence | GNU/LGPL |
modname | features-mapeditor |
name | mapeditor |
revision | 0.0.3 |
sql_install | DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tiki_maps`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tiki_maps` (`mapId` int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,`created` int(14) NOT NULL,`modified` int(14) default NULL,`name` text,`projectName` text NOT NULL, `author` text, `type` text, `path` text, `copyright` text, `copyrightUrl` text, `gateway` text, `db` text, `description` text, PRIMARY KEY (`mapId`)); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tiki_map_layer`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tiki_map_layer` (`layerId` int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` text, `mapId` int(8) NOT NULL, `author` text, `islayerGroup` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `layerGroupId` int(8) NOT NULL, `layerRendering` text NOT NULL, `layerAggregate` text NOT NULL, `type` text, `config` text, `copyright` text, `copyrightUrl` text, `gateway` text NOT NULL, `db` text, `table` text, `description` text, `created` int(14) default NULL, `modified` int(14) default NULL, `maxitem` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`layerId`)) ; INSERT IGNORE INTO tiki_menu_options (menuId,type,name,url,position,section,perm,groupname) VALUES ('42','o','MapEditor','tiki-mapeditor_maps.php',720,'','','Registered'); |
sql_remove | drop table if exists tiki_maps; drop table if exists tiki_map_layer; delete from tiki_menu_options WHERE menuId='42' AND position='720' AND name='MapEditor'; |
type | features |